数媒专业交互方向专职教师,硕士毕业于爱尔兰科克大学交互媒体专业,5年互联网行业产品设计工作经验,拥有丰富的To.B端与To.C端产品设计经验,设计的游戏app曾被Apple.Store商城首页推荐。 研究方向:互联网产品设计,交互设计,用户研究,用户界面设计。


Graduated from the University College Cork, Ireland, with a master's degree in Interactive Media major. Has 5 years of experience in product design in the Internet industry. Has rich experience in To B and To C product design, and the game app she designed was recommended by the home page of Apple Store. Research direction: Internet product design, Interaction design, User research, User interface design.

