EAaD .2023
作品 - 基于中国传统弦乐动态可视化效果设计应..
Design and Application of Dynamic Visualization Effects Based on Traditional Chinese String Music - Taking Pipa as an Example 基于中国传统弦乐动态可视化效果设计应用-以琵琶为例 在科技快速发展的时代,数据和信息都在向可视化的方向靠拢,本次设计我们通过实践和研究利用创意编程工具Processing和TouchDesigner对琵琶音频信号...
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高德福 Gao Defu
作品感言: 完成毕业设计的这段时间过的并不轻松,甚至可以用煎熬来形容... more >>
袁一航 Yuan Yihang
作品感言: 该项目是基于中国传统琵琶文化的声音可视化,旨在以更直观的... more >>
Design and Application of Dynamic Visualization Effects Based on Traditional Chinese String Music - Taking Pipa as an Example 基于中国传统弦乐动态可视化效果设计应用-以琵琶为例


In the era of rapid technological development, data and information are moving towards visualization. In this design, we use creative programming tools Processing and TouchDesigner to visualize pipa audio signals through practice and research, achieving the fusion of music and images. Transform the audio features of pipa into visual elements with Chinese characteristics, and visually express the rhythmic implications of traditional music.


The graduation project is my last homework as a student about to complete my studies, he is not only a comprehensive summary and comprehensive application of the knowledge learned in school, but also for the future to the society practical application to cast a good start, graduation project is my test and summary of the knowledge theory, can cultivate and improve the designer's ability to independently analyze and solve problems. The graduation project is not only a test of what you have learned before, but also an improvement of your own ability. Through this graduation project, I understood that learning is a long-term accumulation process, and I should continue to study in my future work and life, and strive to improve my knowledge and comprehensive quality.

该项目是基于中国传统琵琶文化的声音可视化,旨在以更直观的方式探索和展示音乐。通过查阅相关书籍文献、西安博物院、陕西历史博物馆,通过图解归纳的方法,对琵琶的历史背景进行探究和梳理,提炼出琵琶的艺术风格和审美意蕴,提取其形、色、纹,以声音形象化的形式延展琵琶的声音和内涵。为实现这一点,提出了一种适合中国传统音乐特点的设计方法,并通过借助Touch Designer和图像处理工具完成的琵琶音乐声音可视化设计。本项目将传统文化与数字技术相结合,以“历史为骨,艺术为翼”将传统文化与数字技术结合,继承发展中国传统文化。

This project is based on the sound visualization of traditional Chinese pipa culture, aiming to explore and display music in a more intuitive way. By consulting relevant books and documents, Xi'an Museum, Shaanxi History Museum, and through the method of graphic induction, the historical background of the pipa is explored and sorted out, the artistic style and aesthetic connotation of the pipa are extracted, and its shape, color, and pattern are extracted, and the sound image is used. Extend the sound and connotation of the pipa in a modernized form. In order to achieve this, a design method suitable for the characteristics of traditional Chinese music is proposed, and the sound visualization design of pipa music is completed with the help of Touch Designer and image processing tools. This project combines traditional culture with digital technology, and combines traditional culture with digital technology with "history as the bone and art as the wing" to inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture.