EAaD .2023
作品 - 又见东山
See the eastern hill again 又见东山 在设计中对基地内两处古民居是采用新建筑围起来进行保护的,将新建筑与旧建筑相互结合呼应。 一是从建筑外轮廓入手,形体组织采用了群体式布局,分为四个展馆,对应蓝田的...
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郑小雯 Xiao Wen Zheng
作品感言: 随着毕业日子的到来,毕业设计也接近了尾声。经过几周的奋战... more >>
赵晨茜 Chen Xi Zhao
作品感言: 随着毕业设计一步步完成,从刚开始去蓝田现场调研再到无数次... more >>
See the eastern hill again 又见东山

在设计中对基地内两处古民居是采用新建筑围起来进行保护的,将新建筑与旧建筑相互结合呼应。 一是从建筑外轮廓入手,形体组织采用了群体式布局,分为四个展馆,对应蓝田的重要历史沿革各个场馆用连廊进行连接,融入蓝田田园山水文化。造型上呼应蓝田玉石文化,取自用破碎的蓝田玉石为标志性建筑物,顶部用不规则的形状来表示蓝田玉破碎的切面,塑造城市新形象。 二是从室内的展陈入手,分为各朝时间线将各展厅进行串联,叙事性展陈方式和关于蓝田各种主题展厅。 三是从植物景观入手,利用王安石的《辋川别业图》造景,将室内室外连接在一起。

In the design, two ancient residences within the base were enclosed by new buildings for protection, combining the new and old buildings to complement each other. Firstly, starting from the exterior contour of the building, the physical organization adopts a group layout, divided into four exhibition halls, corresponding to the important historical evolution of Lantian. Each venue is connected by corridors, integrating Lantian pastoral landscape culture. In terms of shape, it echoes the Lantian jade culture and is taken from the iconic building of broken Lantian jade. The irregular shape on the top represents the broken section of Lantian jade, shaping a new image of the city. The second approach is to start with the indoor exhibition, which is divided into different time lines connecting the exhibition halls, narrative exhibition methods, and various themed exhibition halls about Lantian. The third approach is to start with plant landscapes and use Wang Anshi's "Wangchuan Bieye Map" to create landscapes that connect indoor and outdoor spaces.

随着毕业日子的到来,毕业设计也接近了尾声。经过几周的奋战我的毕业设计终于完成了。在没有做毕业设计以前觉得毕业设计只是对这几年来所学知识的单纯总结,但是通过这次做毕业设计发现自己的看法有点太片面。毕业设计不仅是对前面所学知识的一种检验,而且也是对自己能力的一种提高。通过这次毕业设计使我明白了自己原来知识还比较欠缺。自己要学习的东西还太多,以前老是觉得自己什么东西都会,什么东西都懂,有点眼高手低。通过这次毕业设计,我才明白学习是一个长期积累的过程,在以后的工作、生活中都应该不断的学习,努力提高自己知识和综合素质。  在这次毕业设计中也使我们的同学关系更进一步了,同学之间互相帮助,有什么不懂的大家在一起商量,听听不同的看法对我们更好的理解知识,所以在这里非常感谢帮助我的同学。

With the graduation day approaching, the graduation project is also nearing completion. After several weeks of hard work, my graduation project was finally completed. Before I did the graduation project, I felt that the graduation project was just a simple summary of the knowledge I had learned in the past few years, but through this graduation project, I found that my view was a little too one-sided. Through this graduation project, I understood that learning is a long-term accumulation process, and I should continue to study in my future work and life, and strive to improve my knowledge and comprehensive quality.   So much for my experience, in short, whether I learn or not, I really feel more difficult, it's really difficult at the beginning, I don't know how to start. Finally, I felt relieved that I was finally done. In addition, a conclusion is drawn: knowledge must be applied in order to realize its value! Some things are thought to be learned, but when you actually use it, you find out that it is two different things, so I think that you can only really learn it when you can really use it.  


With the completion of the graduation project step by step, from the beginning of the on-site investigation in Lantian to countless online and offline meetings to produce the model drawings of the plan, step by step to the present, the whole plan has ended. Learn that "one building interprets a city" to promote the cultural revival of Lam Tin City provides a useful reference. Through repeated deliberation of the plan, the effect of the graduation project was finally achieved. I learned how to better link the indoor and outdoor aspects of architecture, and to do design is not just to do design, but also to learn to think and learn the advantages of other good architectural cases.