EAaD .2023
作品 - 万物共生
All things coexist 万物共生 作品基于生态意识与现代社会发展方式,使公共艺术有效介入城市建设与发展之中,实现艺术、生态与城市的共生。模型采用透明亚克力方块搭建,利用数字化元素-马赛克立体化形...
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李庚轩 LiGengXuan
作品感言: 时间过的很快,一晃大学三年的生活己接近了尾声在目,当初还... more >>
魏天佑 WeiTianYou
作品感言: 时间过的很快,一晃大学三年的生活己接近了尾声在目,当初还... more >>
All things coexist 万物共生


The work is based on ecological awareness and modern social development methods, enabling public art to effectively intervene in urban construction and development, achieving the coexistence of art, ecology, and the city. The model is constructed using transparent acrylic blocks and utilizes digital elements such as mosaic to create a three-dimensional device that combines the appearance of buildings and tree trunks, expressing the concept of natural integration into the city. The internal channel uses lettering to recognize endangered plants, allowing people to gain awareness of protecting ecological nature through this interactive approach. In addition, the decoration of herbarium and animal posters makes us realize that urban development cannot ignore ecology. While urban development is needed, we also need plants and animals to form a viable environment.


Time passed quickly, and in a flash, the end of three years of college was approaching. The ignorant young man who had just entered college now has grown up and learned a lot. As the graduation day approaches, the graduation project is also approaching its end. After two months of hard work, my graduation project was finally completed. Before I did my graduation project, I felt that it was just a simple summary of the knowledge I had learned in the past few years. However, through this graduation project, I found that my perspective was a bit too one-sided. The graduation project is not only a test of the knowledge learned earlier, but also an improvement of one's own abilities. Through this graduation project, I realized that my previous knowledge was still lacking. I still have too much to learn. In the past, I used to think that I knew everything and understood everything, which was a bit high minded but low skilled. Through this graduation project, I realized that learning is a long-term accumulation process, and I should continuously learn and strive to improve my knowledge and overall quality in my future work and life.


Time passed quickly, and in a flash, the end of three years of college was approaching. The ignorant young man who had just entered college now has grown up and learned a lot. As the graduation day approaches, the graduation project is also approaching its end. After two months of hard work, my graduation project was finally completed. Before I did my graduation project, I felt that it was just a simple summary of the knowledge I had learned in the past few years. However, through this graduation project, I found that my perspective was a bit too one-sided. The graduation project is not only a test of the knowledge learned earlier, but also an improvement of one's own abilities. Through this graduation project, I realized that my previous knowledge was still lacking. I still have too much to learn. In the past, I used to think that I knew everything and understood everything, which was a bit high minded but low skilled. Through this graduation project, I realized that learning is a long-term accumulation process, and I should continuously learn and strive to improve my knowledge and overall quality in my future work and life.